Joint workshop between Tel Aviv University and Northwestern University
Was held in Evanston , Illinois (USA).
On September 20th-22nd 2016, the second annual joint workshop between Tel Aviv University and Northwestern University was held in Evanston , Illinois (USA). This workshop series is held every 18 months and is a joint venture between the materials science department at Tel Aviv University, and its counterpart at Northwestern University, one of the best materials science departments in the country. This year, the workshop was focused on energy and bio-materials and had a secondary focus on materials for water applications. At the workshop, all of the core members of the materials science department from Tel Aviv University presented, among researchers from other departments at Tel Aviv University whose research was related to the workshop theme. These workshops serve as another step towards raising the prestige and visibility of the materials science department at Tel Aviv University. The workshop was organized by Professors Noam Eliaz (TAU) and David Seidman (NU). For more information, see