Three new specializations

The Department of Industrial Engineering now offers three new specializations from the forefront of research and industry in the field of Industrial Engineering:


  • Business Analytics
  • Human Aspects of Systems
  • Operations & Logistics in the Digital Era


Business Analytics

Learn how to create knowledge from extensive information, thereby giving your organization a competitive edge in today's data-rich environment.

Business Analytics combines Information Technology with Management & Operations. It offers new opportunities for maximizing the potential benefits derived from the enormous quantities of information collected in the organization's data system, for the purpose of making predictions and decisions. This enables the organization to formulate a better business strategy and improve its financial and operational performance.

The specialization in Business Analytics includes courses on subjects like: big data blending and management, mining knowledge, data warehouses, business intelligence, data visualization, information retrieval and recommender systems.


Human Aspects of Systems

Analyzing and designing organizational, financial and technological systems, while taking the people who use them into consideration.

Our way of life requires constant use of complex computerized systems, such as financial systems, health systems, transportation systems, legal and law enforcement systems, communication systems etc. Designing and managing these systems requires consideration for various technical and financial aspects. But the people to be served by these systems must also be taken into account. If their needs and characteristics are disregarded, the system is likely to fail.

Study programs and research in this specialization focus on combining tools from the Social Sciences (such as economics, psychology, social geography, cognitive science) with tools and methods from industrial engineering and other areas of engineering, as well as computer science. The aim of the program is to develop professionals and researchers who have the knowledge and skills needed to design, manage and study systems whose operation involves a behavioral facet.

This specialization includes courses on: human-computer interaction, game theory, interaction with automatic systems, quantitative models of human performance, content and assessment of the human-computer interface, usability of information security and information privacy and more.

Research in this area deals with: the behavioral aspects of computer security, interaction with autonomic robotic systems, information privacy in the social media, managing communication in medical environments, models of the possible impact of legislation on the efficiency of systems and more.



Operations & Logistics in the Digital Era

New challenges and advanced technology at the core of Industrial Engineering

Operations & logistics deal with identifying, analyzing and optimizing processes in industrial and service organizations. This includes areas like: organization and methods, supply chain management, purchasing & stock management, transportation and delivery.

The global economy - reflected in international corporations, global collaborations and a diversity of markets, as well as the growing environmental awareness, present organizations with new challenges. The good news is that rapidly developing digital technology equips us with a range of tools for meeting these challenges. The Internet, the Cloud and the powerful computers in the palms of our hands make these technologies, which until recently were unique and expensive, accessible to all.

These facts are changing the nature of operations and logistics, making them more relevant and interesting than ever before. Studying in this program will enhance both your practical knowhow and theoretical knowledge, providing you with knowledge and decision making tools that will enable you to cope with the challenges you encounter in your professional life - as engineers, managers and R&D experts.


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