Computer generated holograms of three-dimensional objects based on analytical polygonal mesh model
Michael Parchomovsky
M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Michael A. Golub,
Professor Mendlovic David
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We report here on design and computer simulation of computer-generated holograms for three-dimensional (3D) imaging and display.
Introducing two main novelties. First, is the formalization and use of a closed analytical form of an angular spectrum of general polygon patches (instead of triangles) of a 3D object.
That form includes angular dependence of the intensity and phase at each polygon. Second, is the use of phase linear gradients on each polygon (instead of random constant phase). We show that proper choices of slopes and initial phases of each polygon patch are useful in reduction of the dynamic range of the amplitude transmittance of the hologram.
By using this method we increased by an order of magnitude the diffraction efficiency of the reconstructed image, from a few percent to 10-20%. Numerical computer-simulation results demonstrate that our polygon-patched design displays halftones of objects shades and shows expected sharp focusing of different parts of the reconstructed 3D images in their different cross-sections as expected