The Excellence Program of the Faculty of Engineering at Tel Aviv University

Opportunity for outstanding students 

Excellence Program

The Excellence Program of the Faculty of Engineering at Tel Aviv University, provides the opportunity for outstanding students to receive additional research and study options while pursuing their undergraduate degree but thinking about future graduate studies.


At the beginning of each academic year, the Faculty will choose a few excellent students who are in the second and third year of the B.Sc. studies. These students will be approved a more flexible curriculum and will be invited to participate in seminars, meetings with senior staff and tours of laboratories on campus.


Applicants who wish to participate in this program are required to find a supervisor from the senior staff of the Faculty, where the bulk of their research will apply for the duration of their undergraduate and graduate studies.


A generous financial scholarship will be awarded to students who take part in the Excellence Program, as well as a certificate of participation.


For those who are interested, you should contact:

Program Secretary:

Ms. Naama Gafni-Peled


Acting head of the Excellence Program:

Professor Tamir Tuller

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