Call for Applications

Call for Tenure-track Faculty Positions
The School of Mechanical Engineering (ME) in the Faculty of Engineering at Tel-Aviv University, Israel, invites exceptional faculty candidates to apply for a full-time tenure-track faculty position at the senior-lecturer (assistant-professor) or the associate professor levels, commensurate with qualifications. This call is open-ended. 
The School of ME is committed to outstanding research and teaching. Our research and teaching areas cover the broad field of mechanical engineering, including diverse multidisciplinary research in solids, fluids, energy, biomechanics, engineering systems, design methodologies, environmental engineering, robotics, control, materials, and alternative energy. The School currently has 28 full-time faculty, 15 active emeritus faculty, and 20 external lecturers from the industry and national research institutes, and 15 post-doctoral researchers.  The growing student body is composed of about 1000 students, of which 650 are undergraduates, and 350 are MS or PhD graduates. More information about our ME School is available at

Qualifications:  Candidates with a strong background in all areas of Mechanical Engineering or related fields are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering or related field. A post-doctoral research experience abroad is strongly encouraged.  The successful applicant will be expected to provide high-quality teaching and to develop an externally-funded innovative research program.
Instructions:   Applicants should submit the following documents:
• Curriculum vitae
• Research Statement
• Teaching Statement
• Names and contact of at least four professional references that know or have collaborated with the applicant
• Names and contact of at least four professional references.  These are renowned people in the field with whom the applicant has no prior collaboration
A complete application package should be sent electronically in a pdf format to:
Prof. Alexander[Alex] Liberzon
Head, School of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
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