
The Diane and Arthur Belfer Chair of Mechanics and Bio-Mechanics
Incumbent: Prof. Isaac Harari

The research activity of the chair is in the
field of Computational Mechanics, which deals with the development and application of Numerical Methods to the solution of problems posed by Engineering and Applied Science.  The focus is on the formulation of improved computational tools for wave propagation,  fluid-solid interaction and biomedical engineering. Recent work includes spatial stabilization for transient analysis, discontinuous multiscale methods, the extension of structural reduction techniques to coupled problems with complex load patterns, enforcing Dirichlet constraints on embedded interfaces, and novel variational formulations for inverse problems arising from medical imaging, with potential application to the detection and diagnosis of cancer.


The Nathan Cummings Chair of Mechanics.
Incumbent: Prof.  Rami Haj-Ali

​The Chair's activity will focus on developing models and carry out experiments in the diverse areas of Mechanical Engineering such as: Fracture Mechanics, composite materials, multiphase flows, micro mechanical systems, alternative energy, dispersion of contaminants in the atmosphere, etc


The Henry and Dinah Krongold Chair of Microelectronics.
Incumbent: Professor Viacheslav[Slava] Krylov 

The Chair was established 10 years ago. Its vision focused on developing microelectronic technologies in a wide variety of research areas in this important and advanced field aiming at innovative, creative and inter-disciplinary approach. A large number of research program have been run within the Chair's framework and have been generously funded by Israeli and international agencies. To date their results have been published in dozens of research papers in the leading professional literature and served as a basis for 10 Ph.D. and 23 M.Sc. theses. Almost all the graduates hold senior positions in the Israeli microelectronic industry while some joined academic faculties of Israeli universities.
The research programs supervised by the Chair include
Experimental research of nano-layers of organic molecules at semiconductor surfaces. This was partly performed in collaboration with HMI, Germany.
Theoretical study of the above subjects in collaboration with WIS, Rehovoth Characterization of gate oxide nano-layers (SiO2 and hi-κ) on novel Si and SiC-based VLSI devices and their physical modeling, in collaboration with NIST, USA Studies of photocatalytic processes on nano-crystalline semiconductor films, in collaboration with Otago University, New Zealand Nano-resolution imaging of the electronic structure at semiconductor surfaces using scanning electron microscopy in collaboration with Oxford University and Imperial College, UK Reliability studies of novel microelectronic devices in collaboration with U. of Maryland, USA and Freescale, Israel Characterization of novel GaAs and GaN-based RF devices and their physical modeling in collaboration with Gal-El, Israel Development of a wireless network based on microelectronic sensor and devices Physics of biological and bioinspired nanomaterials.

In the framework of The Henry and Dinah Krongold of Microelectronics Cathedra Professor Gil Rosenman focused last year on research of biological and bioinspired nanomaterials. Intensive studies led to a breakthrough in this new scientific field:  discovery of diverse physical phenomena such as  ferroelectric (piezoelectric, second harmonic generation, reconstructive phase transitions in diphenilalanine nanotubes) and electron-optical   effects based on recently observed  quantum confinement phenomenon toward new generation of bioinspired optical nanomaterials. The research was performed under tight cooperation with a few groups in Israel and abroad ( USA, Portugal, Russia

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