Master of Science in Systems Engineering (M.Sc)

Training the Leading Engineers in Research and Development in Systems Engineering for Addressing Future World Challenges

We live in an age of major systemic challenges. Ecological issues, equal opportunities, satisfying basic needs for almost 8 billion people and more, are all systemic challenges on a large scale. Dealing with them requires system thinking and appropriate tools. Even when we consider the most basic systems in our lives such as education, health, law, transportation, water, or electricity, we often see failures that result from a lack of understanding of the concept of system and its broader context.


Systems engineering is a multidisciplinary approach that enables the realization of successful systems. Broadly speaking, the field deals with defining the requirements (technical and business) of a stakeholder (which can be an individual, a company, or even a government) and his or her needs, then thinking about possible solutions and their implementation through systems development by a structured teamwork process, through production to day-to-day operation.


The purpose of the Master of Science in Systems Engineering curriculum is to train engineers who will improve the technological systems around us, by research and by educating a new generation of field leaders.


Among the research studies conducted at the university in the field are:

• Designing edge cloud systems architecture for diverse uses such as autonomous transportation

• Identifying situations of excessive requirements from systems and repairing them - requirements that do not bring value and can lead to project failure

• Designing the architecture of complex systems by managing overall requirements and agile working methods

• Improving the chances of success of start-up companies by a framework that integrates the challenge that is addressed, the stakeholders in the project (including the environment and the general public), and the working methods.

• Dismantling monolithic systems to modular ones to allow for continuous and effective maintenance and improvement

• Systems engineering of organizations to improve their performance

• A method of modeling systems development processes that can also enhance scientific research


The program will allow undergraduate students in engineering and science to study and research as part of a unique master's degree program in systems engineering with a thesis, pursue direct doctoral studies if they meet admission requirements, and form the backbone of researchers and faculty in systems engineering in the coming years.

There is also the possibility of a project track, in which students acquire the same basic knowledge and skills that will allow them to be partners in developing new tools and methods in systems engineering.

The program trains systems engineering professionals who could assume positions in industry and the private and public sectors, in leading engineering positions, while being able to think outside the box.


Program staff

Research students have access to the senior academic staff of the Faculty of Engineering and senior industry professionals engaged in research at the University.



The program will provide several subsistence scholarships for outstanding students studying full-time in a research track. It is customary to incorporate them through appointments as teaching assistants or assistants in undergraduate courses.


Every year, in addition to subsistence scholarships, few scholarships are awarded to outstanding master and doctoral students.


Employment Options

Graduates of the Faculty of Engineering are integrated into key positions in the civil, defense, research institutions, and academia, in Israel and around the world. Many of the faculty's staff participate in projects with leading industries, research institutes, and academic bodies in Israel and around the world. Our graduates are considered world-class professionals. The field of systems engineering is highly sought after in the industry and all graduates of the program are expected to be integrated accordingly into key positions.


More details about the program

Click for the full program (In Hebrew)

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