Prof. Alexander[Alex] Liberzon

School of Mechanical Engineering
ביה"ס להנדסה מכנית סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Alexander[Alex] Liberzon
Phone: 03-6408928
Another phone: 03-6406860
Fax: 03-6407334
Office: Wolfson - Engineering, 215

Research Interests:

Experimental fluid mechanics and turbulence
Lagrangian particle tracking, turbulence

Physiological fluid dynamics

Bio-inspired fluid flow sensors and devices

Turbulent flows with particles, polymers, and additives


Experimental fluid mechanics and heat transfer with major focus on turbulence and minimally intrusive experimental methods: particle image velocimetry, three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry (Lagrangian), Infrared thermography and micro-electro-mechanical-system sensors for fluid mechanics and rheology measurements. The fluid mechanics and heat transfer applications are from a broad range of fields, such as clouds and stratified turbulent/non-turbulent interfaces, biomedical applications, dilute polymer solutions and electrorheological fluids and interaction of biology and turbulence. 

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