Prof. Yuval Bistritz

Emeritus in School of Electrical Engineering
ביה"ס להנדסת חשמל אמריטוס
Prof. Yuval Bistritz
Phone: 03-6408174
Fax: 03-6407095
Office: Electrical Engineering, 142

General Information

Yuval Bistritz completed a B.Sc degree in Physics and M.Sc and Ph.D degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1972, 1978, and 1983, all degrees from Tel Aviv university. Was post-doc in Stanford university (1984-86) and in Bell Labs (Murray Hill, 1986-87). In 1987 he joined the depratment of electrical engineering - systems as senior lectures and now is a professor in there.  He is fellow of the IEEE and the recipient of the IEEE 2015 Belevitch award that honors the individual with fundamental contributions in the field of circuits and systems.

Research interest

Stability theory for continuous and discrete linear systems (one- and multi-dimensional).
Computer algebra approach to some algorithms in system and signal processing (error-free and symbolic computation).
Topics in speech signal processing (speaker recognition, low bit-rate speech coders and more).

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