Prof. Semen Gorfman

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
מחלקה למדע והנדסה של חומרים סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Semen Gorfman
Phone: 4341
Office: Wolfson - Engineering, 129

General Information

Academic rank:  Senior Lecturer

PhD in Crystallography and Solid State Physics: University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany

MSc in Solid State Physics: Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

BSc in Physics:  Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Research Interests

X-ray crystallography of materials

Piezoelectrics and ferroelectrics

Advanced materials analytics, using synchrotron radiation

Time-resolved and high-resolution X-ray diffraction

Crystal physics

The list of 10 most important publications


Please see my google scholar page for the full list

[1] H. Choe, J. Bieker, N. Zhang, A.M. Glazer, P.A. Thomas, S. Gorfman. Monoclinic distortion, polarization rotation and piezoelectricity in the ferroelectric Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3. Internation Union of Crystallography Journal. 5 (4), 417 - 427, (2018) (link)

[2] S. Gorfman, A.A. Bokov, A. Davtyan, M. Reiser, Y. Xie, Z.-G. Ye, A.V. Zozulya, M. Sprung, U. Pietsch, C. Gutt. Ferroelectric domain wall dynamics, characterized with X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 115 (29), E6680 - E6689. (2018) (link)

[3] C. Richter, M. Zschornak, D. Novikov, E. Mehner, M. Nentwich, J. Hanzig, S. Gorfman, DC Meyer. Picometer polar atomic displacements in strontium titanate determined by resonant X-ray diffraction. Nature Communications 9 (1), 178 (2018) (link)

[4] B. Khanbabaee, E. Mehner, C. Richter, J. Hanzig, M. Zschornak, U. Pietsch, H. Stöcker, T. Leisegang, DC Meyer, S. Gorfman. Large piezoelectricity in electric-field modified single crystals of SrTiO3 . Applied Physics Letters 109 , 222901 (2016) (link)

[5] S. Gorfman, H. Simons, T. Iamsasri, S. Prasertpalichat,  D.P. Cann, H. Choe, U. Pietsch, Y. Watier,  J.L. Jones. Simultaneous resonant X-ray diffraction measurement of polarization inversion and lattice strain in polycrystalline ferroelectrics. Scientific Reports 6, 20829 (2016) (link)

[6]  S. Gorfman, H. Choe, V.V. Shvartsman, M. Ziolkowski,  M. Vogt, J. Strempfer, T. Łukasiewicz, U. Pietsch, J. Dec. Time-resolved X-ray diffraction reveals the hidden mechanisms of high piezoelectric activity in uniaxial ferroelectric. Physical Review Letters 114, 097601, (2015) (link)

[7] S. Gorfman, DS Keeble, A. Bombardi, PA Thomas. Topology and temperature dependence of the diffuse X-ray scattering in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 ferroelectric single crystals. Journal of Applied Crystalography 148, 543 - 1550, (2015) (link)

[8] S. Gorfman. Sub-microsecond X-ray crystallography: techniques, challenges and applications for materials science. Crystalography Reviews 20 (3), 210-232, (2014) (link)

[9] S. Gorfman, O. Schmidt, V. Tsirelson, M. Ziolkowski, U. Pietsch. Crystalography under external electric field.  Zeit. Anorg. Ang. Chem. 639 (11), 1953-1962 (2013) (link)


[10] S. Gorfman , DSKeeble, AM Glazer, X. Long, Y. Xie, Z.-G. Ye, S. Collins, PA Thomas. High-resolution X-ray diffraction study of single crystals of lead zirconate titanate, Physical Review B84 (rapid communications), 020102R, (2011) (link)



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