Prof. Viacheslav[Slava] Krylov

School of Mechanical Engineering
ביה"ס להנדסה מכנית סגל אקדמי בכיר

General Information

My research in the area of design and modeling of micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) combines theoretical and applied aspects. The overall scope is in the development of new approaches to actuation and sensing and their implementation in micro devices such as electrostatically, magnetically and thermally actuated parametrically excited resonators, inertial, mass, bio and chemical sensors, tilting mirrors, bistable and multistable devices, polymeric MEMS.


Slava Krylov holds M.Sc. (1989) and Ph. D. (1993) in applied mechanics, both from the State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg, Russia. Between 1994 and 1998 he was visiting postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratoire de Modélisation en Mécanique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Paris, France and Colton postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Solid Mechanics, Materials and Systems, Tel Aviv University. Between 1998 and 2002 he worked as a R&D engineer for Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) and then as a principal scientist and co-founder of a start-up company developing optical MEMS. He joined Tel Aviv University as a faculty member in 2002 where he is currently Professor and Head of the School of Mechanical Engineering. He was visiting professor (multiple occasions) of the School of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University, and visiting researcher at Center for the Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST), The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. In 2015 he was awarded Mary Shepard B. Upson Visiting Professorship in Engineering at The Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University. He was general co-chair of the 11th Micro Nano Systems Conference at the ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences 2017, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. He serves as a secretary and treasurer of the Israel Association for Computational Methods in Mechanics (IACMM) and as a member of the Executive Committee of the Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology Division, American Vacuum Society (AVS).


Design and modeling of micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), dynamics and stability of micro- and nanoelectromechanical devices, electrostatic, magnetic, electrothermal and piezoelectric actuators, inertial and flow sensors, nano resonators for bio sensing applications, optical MEMS, electroactive polymeric materials for MEMS as well as developing of modeling and characterization tools for micro and nano devices. 







V. Krylov, “On a Problem of Radiation of Sound under Impact Loading,” Proc. of Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, “Some Problems of Mechanics of Ship Structures”, Leningrad, pp. 50-56, 1988 (in Russian).


V. Krylov, “A Two-dimensional Problem of Radiation of Sound by Elastic Structure Undergoing Impact Loading,” Proc. of Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, “Deformation and Fracture of Ship Structures,” Leningrad, pp. 61-68, 1990 (in Russian).


V. Krylov, “A Two-dimensional Problem of Radiation of Sound by an Elastic Membrane Floating on an Ideal Compressible Fluid,” Applied Problems of Strength and Plasticity, No. 49, pp. 85-94, 1992 (in Russian).


L. Slepyan, V. Krylov and R. Parnes, “Solitary Waves in an Inextensible, Flexible, Helicoidal Fiber,”

Physical Review Letters, 74(14), pp. 2725-2728, 1995.


L. Slepyan, V. Krylov and R. Parnes, “Solitary Wave in a Helix,” Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 44, pp. 29-39, 1995.


V. Krylov and Ph. Rosenau, “Solitary Waves in an Elastic String”, Physics Letters A, 217, pp. 31-42, 1996.


V. Krylov and L. Slepyan, “Binary Nonlinear Wave in a Flexible Fiber,” Physical Review B, 55(21), pp. 14067-14070, 1997.


V. Krylov and S.V. Sorokin, “Dynamics of Elastic Beams with Controlled Distributed Stiffness Parameters,” Smart Materials and Structures, 6, pp. 573-582, 1997.


V. Krylov, R. Parnes and L. Slepyan, “Nonlinear Waves in an Inextensible Flexible Helix,” Wave Motion, 27, pp. 117-136, 1998.


L. Slepyan, V. Krylov and Ph. Roseau, “Solitary Waves in a Flexible, Arbitrary Elastic Helix,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 124(9), pp. 966-970, 1998.


L. Slepyan, V. Krylov and R. Parnes, “Helical Inclusion in an Elastic Matrix,”

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 48, pp. 827-865, 2000.


S. Krylov and R. Maimon, “Pull-in Dynamics of an Elastic Beam Actuated by Continuously Distributed Electrostatic Force,” Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of ASME, 126(3), pp. 332-342, 2004.

Top 10 Most Downloaded Articles - September 2006.


B. Ilic, H. G. Craighead, S. Krylov, W. Senaratne, C. Ober and P. Neuzil, “Attogram Detection using Nanoelectromechanical Oscillators,” Journal of Applied Physics, 95(7), pp. 3694-3703, 2004.


S. Krylov, I. Harari and Y. Cohen*, “Stabilization of Electrostatically Actuated Microstructures using Parametric Excitation,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 15, pp. 1188-1204, 2005.

B. Ilic, Y. Yang, K. Aubin, R. Reichenbach, S. Krylov and H. Craighead, “Enumeration of DNA Molecules Bound to a Nanomechanical Oscillator,” Nano Letters, 5(5), pp. 925-929, 2005.

B. Ilic, S. Krylov, K. Aubin, R. Reichenbach, and H. G. Craighead, “Optical Excitation of Nanoelectromechanical Oscillators,” Applied Physics Letters, 86, 193114, 2005.

S. Krylov and D. Barnea, “Bouncing Mode Electrostatically Actuated Scanning Micromirror for Video Applications,” Smart Materials and Structures, 14, 1281–1296, 2005.


S.Krylov and S. Seretensky*, “Higher Order Correction of Electrostatic Pressure and its Influence on Pull-in Behavior of Microstructures,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 16, 1382-1396, 2006.

S. Krylov and Y. Bernstein, “Large Displacement Parallel Plate Electrostatic Actuator with Saturation Type Characteristic,” Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 130-131, 497-512, 2006.


Yu. I. Rozenberg, Yuri Rosenberg, S. Krylov, G. Belitsky, and Y. Shacham-Diamand,  “Resin-bonded Permanent Magnetic Films with out-of-plane Magnetization for MEMS Applications,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 305, 357-360, 2006


N. M. Elman, S. Krylov, M. Sternheim , Y. Shacham-Diamand, “Bioluminescence Detection using a Novel MEMS Modulation Technique,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18(19), 2011 – 2013, 2006.


O. Levy, S. Krylov and I. Goldfarb, “Design Considerations of Negative Poisson Ratio Structures Under Large Deflection for MEMS Applications,” Smart Materials and Structures, 15(5), 1459-1466, 2006.


S.Krylov, I.Harari and D.Gadasi*, “Consistent Loading in Structural Reduction Procedures for Beam Models,” Int. Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 4(5-6), 559-584, 2006.



B. Ilic, S. Krylov, L. M. Bellan and H. G. Craighead,“Dynamic Characterization of Nanoelectromechanical Oscillators by Atomic Force Microscopy,” Journal of Applied Physics, 101, 044308-1 – 044308-9, 2007.


Published also in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (a weekly multijournal compilation of the latest research on nanoscale systems) 15(9), March 5, 2007. 


B. Ilic, S. Krylov, M. Kondratovich, and H. G. Craighead, “Optically Actuated Nanoelectromechanical Oscillators,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 12(2), 392-399, 2007.


S. Krylov, “Lyapunov Exponents as a Criterion for the Dynamic Pull-in Instability of Electrostatically Actuated Microstructures,” Int. Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 42, 626 – 642, 2007.


O. Levy, B. Z. Steinberg, A. Boag, S. Krylov and I. Goldfarb, “Mechanical Tuning of Two-dimensional Photonic Crystal Cavity by Micro Electro Mechanical Flexures,” Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 139(1-2), 47-52, 2007.


B. Ilic, S. Krylov, M. Kondratovich, and H. G. Craighead,  “Selective Vibrational Detachment of Microspheres Using Optically Excited In-plane Motion of Nanomechanical Beams,”  Nanoletters, 7(8), 2171-2177, 2007.



N. M. Elman, S. Krylov , M. Sternheim , Y. Shacham-Diamand, “Multiple Aspect-Ratio Structural Integration in Single Crystal Silicon (MASIS) for fabrication of Transmissive MOEMS Modulators,”

Microsystem Technologies, 14 (2),  287-293, 2008.


N. M. Elman, H. Ben-Yoav, M. Sternheim, R. Rosen, S. Krylov, Y. Shacham-Diamand, “Towards Toxicity Detection using a Lab-on-Chip based on the Integration of MOEMS and Whole-Cell Sensors,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 23, 1631-1636, 2008.


S. Krylov, B. R. Ilic, D. Schreiber*,S. Seretensky* and H. Craighead, “Pull-In Behavior of Electrostatically Actuated Bistable Microstructures,”  Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18, paper 055026, 2008.


A. Ya'akobovitz*, S. Krylov, and Y. Shacham-Diamand, “Large Angle SOI Tilting Actuator with Integrated Motion Transformer and Amplifier,” Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 148, 422–436, 2008.


S. Krylov and D. Givoli, “Special Issue Multiscale Computational Engineering in Israel -  Preface,”

Int. Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 6(5, 6), VII-IX, 2008.


S. Krylov, “Parametric Excitation and Stabilization of Electrostatically Actuated Microstructures,”

Int. Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 6(6), 563-584, 2008.




T. Shmilovich* and S. Krylov, “Single Layer Tilting Actuator with Multiple Close-Gap Electrodes,”

Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19(8), paper 085001, 2009.


G.A. Karp, A. Ya’akobovitz*, M. David-Pur, Z. Ioffe, O. Cheshnovsky, S. Krylov, and Y. Hanein,

“Integration of Suspended Carbon Nanotubes into Micro-Fabricated Devices,”

Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19(8), paper 085021, 2009.


Published also in the Nanowerk Nanotechnology Spotlight (a leading nanotechnology and nanosciences portal on the latest research on nanoscale systems) July 23, 2009. 


Y. Shacham-Diamand, S. Krylov, T. Shmilovich*, R. Ofek Almog, N. Fishelson,Y. Sverdlov, I. Torchinsky, G. Rosenman, A. Inberg and O. Berkh, “Metallization Technologies and Strategies for Plastic Based Biochips, Sensors and Actuators for Healthcare and Medical Applications,”

Electrochemical Society Transactions, 23(1), pp. 243-254, 2009.



S. Krylov, Y. Gerson*, T. Nachmias, U. Keren, “Excitation of Large Amplitude Parametric Resonance by the Mechanical Stiffness Modulation of a Microstructure,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20, 015041 (12pp), 2010.


B. Ilic, S. Krylov, and H. G. Craighead,  “Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Optically Driven Nanoelectromechanical Oscillators,”  Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 034311 (13pp), 2010.


A. Ya'akobovitz*, S. Krylov, “Toward Sensitivity Enhancement of MEMS Accelerometers Using Mechanical Amplification Mechanism,”  IEEE Sensors Journal, 10(8), pp. 1311-1319, August 2010.


A. Ya'akobovitz*, S. Krylov, Y. Hanein, “Nanoscale Displacement Measurement of Electrostatically Actuated Micro- Devices using Optical Microscopy and Digital Image Correlation,” Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 162, pp.1-7, 2010.


S. Krylov and N. Dick*, “Dynamic Stability of Electrostatically Actuated Initially Curved Shallow Micro Beams,” Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 22(6), pp. 445-468, 2010.


Y. Linzon, S. Krylov, B. Ilic, D. Southworth, R. Barton, B. Cipriany, J. Cross, J. Parpia,          H. Craighead,  “Real-Time Synchronous Imaging of Electromechanical Resonator Mode and Equilibrium Profiles,”  Optics Letters, 35(15), 2010.


B. Ilic, S. Krylov, and H. G. Craighead, “Young’s Modulus and Density Measurements of Thin Atomic Layer Deposited Films using Resonant Nanomechanics,” Journal of Applied Physics, 108, paper 044317, 2010.


Published also in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (a weekly multijournal compilation of the latest research on nanoscale systems) 22(12), September 13, 2010. 


Y. Gerson*, S. Krylov  and B. Ilic, “Electrothermal Bistability Tuning in a Large Displacement Micro Actuator,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20, paper 112001, 2010.




A. Ya'akobovitz*, S. Krylov, and Y. Hanein,“A MEMS Nano-extensometer with Integrated De-amplificationMechanism,” Microsystem Technologies-Micro-and Nanosystems-Information Storage and Processing Systems, 17(3)   pp. 337-345, 2011.


L. Banks-Sills, Y. Hikri*, S. Krylov, V. Fourman, Y. Gerson, H. A. Bruck, “Measurement of Poisson's Ratio by Means of a Direct Tension Test on Micron-Sized Specimens,” Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 169, 98–114, 2011.


S. Krylov, K. Lurie, A. Ya’akobovitz*, “Compliant Structures with Time-Varying Moment of Inertia and Non-Zero Averaged Momentum and Their Application in  Angular Rate Microsensors,” Journal of Sound and Vibrations, 330, 4875–4895, 2011.


S. Krylov, B. Ilic, S. Lulinsky, “Bistability of Curved Micro Beams Actuated by Fringing Electrostatic Fields,” Nonlinear Dynamics, 66(3), 403-426, 2011.


I. Harari, I. Sokolov*, S. Krylov, “Consistent Loading for Thin Plates”, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 6(5), 765-790, DOI 10.2140/jomms.2011.6.765, 2011.


A. Ya'akobovitz*, S. Krylov, and Y. Hanein, “Mechanical Analysis of a Suspended Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Under Thermo-Electrical Loading,” Journal of Nanomaterials, Article Number: 190360,  2011.


A. Ya'akobovitz*, S. Krylov, “Large Angle Silicon-on-Insulator Tilting Actuator with Kinematic Excitation and Simple Integrated Parallel-Plate Electrostatic Transducer,”  Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50, pap. 117201, 2011.




I. Harari, S. Krylov, “Special Issue: Analysis and Design of MEMS/NEMS -  Preface,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 49, pp. 1-2, 2012.


I. Sokolov*, I. Harari, S. Krylov, “Electromechanical Analysis of Micro-Beams Based on Planar Finite-Deformation Theory,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 49, pp. 28-34, 2012.


Y. Gerson*, S. Krylov, B.Ilic, D.Schreiber, “Design Considerations of a Large-Displacement Multistable Microactuator with Serially Connected Bistable Elements,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 49, pp. 58–69, 2012.



Y. Linzon, D. J. Joe, B. Ilic, J. Topolancik, J. M. Parpia, H. G. Craighead,  S. Krylov,  “Synchronous Imaging for Rapid Visualization of Complex Vibration Profiles In Electromechanical Microresonators,”  Journal of Applied Physics, 111, pap. 023507, 2012.


Published also in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (a weekly multijournal compilation of the latest research on nanoscale systems) 25(6), February 6, 2012. 



L. Engel*, J. Shklovsky*, D. Schrieber, S. Krylov and Y.Shaham-Diamand, “Freestanding Smooth Micron-Scale Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Membranes by Thermal Imprinting,” J. Micromech. Microeng. 22, pap. 045003, 2012.



L. Medina*, R. Gilat, S. Krylov, “Symmetry Breaking in an Initially Curved Micro Beam Loaded by a Distributed  Electrostatic Force,” International Journal of Solids and Structures," 49(13)   1864-1876, 2012.



R. Ofek Almog, H. Ben-Yoav, Y. Sverdlov, T. Shmilovich*, S. Krylov, and Y. Shacham-Diamand,

“Integrated Polypyrrole Flexible Conductors for Biochips and MEMS Applications,” Journal of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 2012, pap. 850482, 5 pages, 2012.



D. J. Joe, Y. Linzon, V. P. Adiga, R. A. Barton, M. Kim, B. R. Ilic, S. Krylov, J. M. Parpia, and H. G. Craighead, “Stress-based Resonant Volatile Gas Microsensor Operated near the Critically-buckled State,” Journal of Applied Physics, 111(10), pap. 104517, 2012.



J. Shklovsky*, L. Engel*, Y. Sverdlov, Y. Shacham-Diamand, S. Krylov, “Nano-Imprinting Lithography of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) for Flexible Freestanding MEMS Devices,” Microelectronic Engineering, 100, 41-46, 2012



A. Ya'akobovitz*, S. Krylov, Influence of Perforation on Electrostatic and Damping Forces in Thick SOI MEMS Structures, J. Micromech. Microeng. 22, pap. 115006, 2012.




Y. Linzon, B. Ilic, S. Lulinsky, S. Krylov,“Efficient Parametric Excitation of Silicon-on-Insulator Microcantilever Beams by Fringing Electrostatic

Fields,” Journal of Applied Physics, 113, pap. 163508, 2013.



Y. Gerson*, I. Sokolov, T. Nachmias, B. R. Ilic, S. Lulinsky, S. Krylov, “Pull-in Experiments on Electrostatically Actuated Microfabricated Meso Scale Beams,” Sensors and Actuators A, 199, 227-235, 2013.



L. Engel*, O. Berkh, K. Adesany, J. Shklovsky*, E. Vanderleyden. P. Dubruel,

Y. Shacham-Diamand, S. Krylov, “Actuation of a Novel Pluronic-based Hydrogel: Electromechanical Response and the Role of Applied Current,” Sensors and Actuators B, 191, 650-658, 2013.



Y. Gerson*, D. Schreiber, H. Grau, and S. Krylov, “Meso Scale MEMS Inertial Switch Fabricated using Electroplated Metal on Insulator (MOI) Process,” J. Micromech. Microeng., 24, pap. 025008, 2014.


L. Medina*, R. Gilat, S. Krylov, “Symmetry Breaking in an Initially Curved Pre-Stressed Micro Beam Loaded by

  a Distributed Electrostatic Force,” Int. J. of Solids and Structures, 51, 2047-2061, 2014.


A. Rabinovich, A. Ya’akobovitz, S. Krylov, “Fringing Electrostatic Field Actuation of Micro-Plates for Open Air Environmental Sensing,”

J. of Vibrations and Acoustics, 136, 041013-1, 2014.


S. Krylov, S. Lulinsky, B. R. Ilic, I. Schneider*, “Collective Dynamics and Pattern Switching in an Array of Parametrically Excited Micro Cantilevers Interacting Through Fringing Electrostatic Fields,” Applied Physics Letters, 105, 071909, 2014.


L. Engel*, S. Krylov, Y.Shacham-Diamand, “Thermoplastic Nanoimprint Lithography of Electroactive Polymer Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride-Trifluoroethylene-Chlorofluoroethylene) for Micro/Nanoscale Sensors and Actuators,”

J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS/SPIE,  13(3), 033011, 2014.


L. Medina*, R. Gilat, B.R. Ilic, S. Krylov, “Experimental Investigation of The Snap-Through Buckling of Electrostatically Actuated Initially Curved Pre-Stressed Microbeams,” Sensors and Actuators A, 220, 323–332, 2014.


L. Engel, S. Kruk, J. Shklovsky, Y. Shacham-Diamand, and S. Krylov,”A study toward the development of an electromechanical poly(vinylidene fluoride– trifluoroethylene chlorofluoroethylene) buckling membrane actuator,” J. Micromech. Microeng. 24 125027, 2014.


S. Mahajne, D. Guetta, S. Lulinsky, S. Krylov, Y. Linzon, “Liquid Mass Sensing using Resonating Microplates under Harsh Drop and Spray Conditions,” Physics Research International, Volume 2014, Article ID 320324, 2014.





Quoc Chi Nguyen, S. Krylov, “Nonlinear Tracking Control of Vibration Amplitude for a Parametrically Excited Microcantilever Beam,” J. of Sound and Vibrations, 338, pp.91-104, 2015.


Y. Borisenkov, G. Gulitski, M. Kholmyansky, S. Krylov, A. Liberzon and A. Tsinober, “Micro-machined Super-Miniature Hot-Film Multi-Array Probe for Field Experiments with Sub-Kolmogorov Resolution,” Journal of Turbulence, 16(6), 525–539, 2015.


Y. Gerson, T. Nachmias, R. Maimon and S. Krylov, “Meso Scale MEMS Motion Transformer and Amplifier Electrostatically Actuated by Parallel Plate Electrodes,” J. Micromech. Microeng., 25,  pap.  055006, 2015.


Y. Borisenkov, M. Kholmyansky, S. Krylov, A. Liberzon and A. Tsinober, “Multi-Array Micromachined Probe for Turbulence Measurements Assembled of Suspended Hot-Film Sensors,” IEEE J. of Microelectromechanical Systems, 24(5), pp. 1503-1509, 2015.


Selected as one of three “Right Now Papers” of the current JMEMS issue -  highlights of the papers of each issue of excellent quality.


I. Sokolov*, S. Krylov, I. Harari, “Extension of Non-linear Beam Models with Deformable Cross-sections,” Journal of Computational Mechanics, 56, pp. 999–1021, 2015.


A. Ya'akobovitz, L. Bar-Dea, Y. Hanein, S. Krylov, “Three-dimensional Dynamic Behavior of Suspended Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 105, pp.369-377, 2015.



L. Medina*, R. Gilat, S. Krylov, “Bouncing and Dynamic Trapping of a Bistable Curved Microbeam Actuated by a Suddenly Applied Electrostatic Force,” Communications on Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 36, pp. 273–284, 2016.


A. Ya'akobovitz, L. Bar-Dea, Y. Hanein, S. Krylov, “Three-dimensional Dynamic Behavior of Suspended Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 105, pp.369-377, 2015.


B. Glushko, A. Shar, M. Medina, D. Kin, S. Krylov, “MEMS-Based Tracking for an Indoor Optical Wireless Communication Bidirectional Link,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28, (5), 2016, pp. 550-553.


L. Medina*, R. Gilat, B. R. Ilic, and S. Krylov, “Experimental Dynamic Trapping of Electrostatically Actuated Bistable Micro-Beams,” Applied Physics Letters, 108, 073503, 2016.


L. Medina*, R. Gilat, and S. Krylov, “Bistable Behavior of Electrostatically Actuated Initially Curved Micro Plate,” Sensors and Actuators A: 248, 2016, pp. 193–198.



Y. Kessler*, S. Krylov, A. Liberzon, “Flow Sensing by Buckling Monitoring of Electrothermally Actuated Double-Clamped Micro Beams,” Applied Physics Letters, 109(8), 2016, pap. 083503.



N. Krakover*, B. R. Ilic and S. Krylov, “Displacement Sensing Based on Resonant Frequency Monitoring of Electrostatically Actuated Curved Micro Beams,” J. Micromech. Microeng., 26, pap. 115006, 2016.



K. C. Balrama, D. A. Westly, M. Davanço, K. E. Grutter, Q. Lia, T. Michels, C. H. Ray, L. Yu, R. J. Kasica, C. B. Wallina, I. J. Gilberta, B. A. Bryce, G. Simelgor, J. Topolancik, N. Lobontiu, Y. Liu, P. Neuzil, V. Svatos, K. A. Dill, N. A. Bertrand, Meredith G. Metzler, G. Lopez, D. A. Czaplewski, L. Ocola, K. A. Srinivasan, S. M. Stavis, V. A. Aksyuk, J. A. Liddle, S. Krylov, and B. R. Ilic,

“The Nanolithography Toolbox,” J. of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Vol. 121, 2016.




L. Medina*, R. Gilat, and S. Krylov, “Lathing in Bistable Electrostatically Actuated Curved Micro Beams,” Int. J. of Engineering Sciences, 110, pp. 15-34, 2017.


R. Gilat, S. Krylov, “Elaso-plastic Behavior of Micro Strings Loaded by Distributed Electrostatic Force,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 124-125, pp. 59-67, 2017.



J. F. Rhoads, H. Cho, J. Judge, S. Krylov, S. W. Shaw, M. Younis, “Special Section on the Dynamics of MEMS and NEMS” ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 139(4), 040301-040301-2, 2017.



N. Krakover*, S. Krylov, “Bistable Cantilevers Actuated by Fringing Electrostatic Fields,” ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 139(4), 040908-040908-10, 2017.



L. Medina*, R. Gilat, and S. Krylov, “Modeling Strategies of Electrostatically Actuated Initially Curved Bistable Micro Plates,” Int. J. of Solids and Structures, 118,1-13, 2017.




N. Dick*, S. Grutzik, C. B. Wallin, B. R. Ilic, S. Krylov, A. T. Zehnder, “Actuation of Higher Harmonics in Large Arrays of Micromechanical Cantilevers for Expanded Resonant Peak Separation,” J. of Vibration and Acoustics, 2018 (Accepted).


O. Fogel, S. Winter, E. Benjamin*, S. Krylov, Z. Kotler and Z. Zalevsky, “3D Printing of Functional Metallic Microstructures and its Implementation in Electrothermal Actuators,” Additive Manufacturing, 21, pp. 307-311, 2018.


A. T. Zehnder, R. H. Rand, S. Krylov, “Locking of Electrostatically Coupled Thermo-optically Driven MEMS Limit Cycle Oscillators,” Int. J. Nonlinear Mech., 102, pp. 92-100, 2018.



 Chapters in Books:



1.I. Harari, I. Sokolov*, S. Krylov,

“Consistent Loading in Structural Reduction Procedures for Thin Plate Models,”

in Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Methods for Materials and Structures

The Jacob Aboudi Volume,

 Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Vol. 168, Springer, 2010, pp. 285-296.



2.S. Krylov, N. Dick*,

“Pull-In Dynamics of Electrostatically Actuated Bistable Micro Beams,”

in Advanced Materials and Technologies for Micro/Nano-devices, Sensors and Actuators, NATO Science for Peace and Security  Series - B: Physics and Biophysics, Edited by E. Gusev, E. Garfunkel, A. Dideikin,. Springer 2010, pp. 117-128.



3.L. Medina*, R. Gilat, S. Krylov,

“Symmetry Breaking Criteria in Electrostatically Loaded Bistable Curved/Prebuckled Micro Beams,” in “Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Self-Trapping, and Josephson Oscillations in Nonlinear Systems,” series “Progress in Optical Science and Photonics,” Edited by B. Malomed, Volume 1,  pp. 679-705, Springer 2013.


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