Principle Research Associate Naum Parkansky received his M.Sc. in “Electrical Machines and Apparatus“ from the S. Laso Polytechnical Institute in Kishinev and his Ph.D. degrees in “Technology and Equipment for Electrophysical Machining“ from the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR, Kishinev, and the Institute of Material Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. He worked as a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the MSSR. Parkansky headed a research and development group investigating new electrical spark coating methods for metallic surfaces, and characterization of the phase composition, structure and properties of the obtained coatings. After emigration to Israel (1989), he was appointed to the Faculty of Engineering at Tel Aviv University. Parkansky worked as Senior Researcher in the Electrical Discharge and Plasma Lab in the School of Engineering and from 1999 to present is a Principle Research Associate in the KAMEA program. Dr. Parkansky is a pioneer researcher on the influence of Transverse Current Injection (TCI) on film growth and properties, and on the influence of TCI on the mechanical properties of processed surfaces. During the last decade, Parkansky focused his research work on the investigation and development of pulsed arc material processing methods, including for coating, surface modification, nanoparticle and nanotube production and water treatment. Dr. Parkansky has co-authored one book, some 90 scientific and technical works, including 35 patents, and teaches two courses in the Faculty of Engineering (Electrophysical and Electrochemical Material Processing, Introduction to Materials Engineering). Dr. N. Parkansky is the Israeli Participant in the management committee of the European COST Action TD1208 Titled “Electrical discharges with liquids for future applications”.
Dr. Naum Parkansky
Interdisciplinary Engineering
בין תחומי - הנדסה
סגל אקדמי בכיר

Nanoparticles production, characterization and application. Pulsed air arc surface treatment: surface modification and coating. Electro erosion of different electro conducting materials in liquid and gas: possibility of control and application. Influence of electric current passing on the mechanical properties of magnetic and non magnetic materials. Submerged arc liquids processing: contamination breakdown and other applications.
N. PARKANSKY – Publications (from 2003)
Journal Papers
1. B. Alterkop, N. Parkansky, S. Goldsmith., R.L. Boxman. "Effect of airannealing on opto-electrical properties of amorphous tin oxide films" J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36, 552-558, 2003
2. N. Parkansky, B. Alterkop, S. Goldsmith., R.L. Boxman. " The effect of an applied voltage during annealing on the resistivity and transparency of the amorphous tin oxide films" J. Vac. Sci.Technol. 2003
3. N. Parkansky, R.L.Boxman, B. Alterkop, Y. Loreah, Z. Barkay "Pulsed Air Arc Production of Carbon Nanotubes" J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 37, 2715-2719, 2004
4. N. Parkansky, R.L.Boxman, B. Alterkop, Y. Loreah, Z. Barkay " Pulsed discharge production of nano- and micro-particles in ethanol and their characterization”, Powder technology. 150 (2004) 36.
5. N. Parkansky, G. Frenkel, B. Alterkop, R.L.Boxman, S. Goldsmith, Z. Barkay,Yu. Rosenberg, O. Goldstein, “Influence of pulsed arc parameters on powder production in ethanol”, Powder Technology, 162, (2006), 121-125.
6. N. Parkansky, O. Goldstein, B. Alterkop, R.L.Boxman, Z. Barkay,Yu. Rosenberg, G. Frenkel, “Features of micro and nano-particles produced by pulsed arc submerged in ethanol”, Powder Technology, 161 (2006), 215-219.
7. N. Parkansky, G. Shalev, B. Alterkop, S. Goldsmith, R.L. Boxman,Z. Barkay, H. Wulff, M.Quaas, " Growth of ZnO nanorods by air annealing of ZnO films with an applied electric field ” Surface and Coating Technology, 201, (2006) 2844-2848.
8. A. Moshkovith, V. Perfiliev, D. Gindin , N. Parkansky, R. Boxmanb, L. Rapoport, “Surface texturing using pulsed air arc treatment”, Wear 263 (2007) 1467–1469.
9. A. Moshkovith, V. Perfiliev, D. Gindin , N. Parkansky, R. Boxmanb, L. Rapoport, “Solid lubricants on textured surfaces obtained by pulsed air arc treatment”, Finish Journal of Tribology 26 (2007) 15-20
10. N. Parkansky, L. Glikman, I.I. Beilis, B. Alterkop, R.L.Boxman, D. Gindin, "W-C Electrode Erosion in a Pulsed Arc Submerged in Liquid", Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 27 (2007), 789-797
11. N. Parkansky, G. Frenkel, B. Alterkop, I. Beilis, R.L.Boxman, Z. Barkay, Yu. Rosenberg,. “Ni-C powder synthesis by a submerged pulsed arc in breakdown mode”. Ni-C powder synthesis by a submerged pulsed arc in breakdown mode, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 464 (2007) 483-487
12. M. Kaplan, N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, “Detecting and Measuring the Geometrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes and other Nano-objects”, Journal of Scanning Microscopies, (2007), accepted.
13. R.L. Boxman, N. Parkansky, H. Mamane, M. Meirovitz, Y. Orkabi, T. Halperin, D. Cohen, N. Orr, E. Gidalevich, B. Alterkop, S. Cheskis, “Pulsed Submerged Arc Plasma Disinfection of Water: Bacteriological Results and an Exploration of Possible Mechanisms”, Plasma Assisted Decontamination of Biological and Chemical Agents, Editors: Prof. Selcuk Guceri and Dr. Valentin Smirnov, Springer, 2007
14. N. Parkansky, B. Alterkop, RL Boxman, et al., ” Magnetic properties of carbon nano-particles produced by a pulsed arc submerged in ethanol” CARBON, 46 (2008) 215-219
15. N. Parkansky, L. Glikman, II. Beilis, et al “W-C synthesis in a pulsed arc submerged in liquid”, PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING 28 (2008) 583-592
16. N. Parkansky, B. Alterkop, R. L. Boxman, H. Mamane and D.Avisar, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, LLC 2008 10.1007/s11090-008-9145-z
17. N. Parkansky, I.I. Beilis, D. Gindin, B. Alterkop, R.L. Boxman, A. Moshkovich, V. Perfilyev, L. Rapoport, Yu. Rosenberg, " Steel Surface Modification by Pulsed Air Arc Treatment", Surface and Coating Technology, 205 (2010), 287-293.
18. N. Parkansky, I.I. Beilis, B. Alterkop, R.L. Boxman, Yu. Rosenberg ,"Magnetic Field Influence on Pulsed Air Arc Anode Erosion" J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., (2011) 45 045401 doi:10.1088/0022-3727/45/4/045401
19. N. Parkansky, A. Vegerhof, B. Alterkop, O. Berkh, R.L. Boxman, " Submerged Arc Breakdown of Methylene Blue in Aqueous Solutions” Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, (2012) pp. 1-15, doi:10.1007/s11090-012-9385-9
20. N. Parkansky, A. Vegerhof, E. Faktorovich-Simon, B. Alterkop, O.Berkh, and R. L. Boxman, "Electrode Material Effect on Submerged Arc Breakdown of Methylene Blue in Aqueous Solutions", IJPEST, (2012) December
21. N. Parkansky , E. Faktorovich-Simon, B. Alterkop, R.L Boxman., O. Berkh, (2013) Decomposition of Dissolved Methylene Blue in Water Using a Submerged Arc Between Titanium Electrodes, Plasma Chem Plasma Process 33:907–919
22. N. Parkansky, V.Yakubov, E. Faktorovich-Simon, B. Alterkop, R.L. Boxman, O. Berkh, (2014) Removal of methylene blue from aging water solutions treated by a submerged arc, Plasma Chem Plasma Process, 34:745-754
23. N.Parkansky, V.Yakubov, I.I. Beilis, R.L. Boxman, O. Berkh, (2015) Electrode erosion during submerged arc treatment of methylene blue water solution, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48: 225202 (9pp)
Conferences papers
1. N. Parkansky , B. Alterkop , R.L. Boxman , S. Goldsmith , Z. Barkay , Y. Lereah . Pulsed discharge production of nano- and microparticles in ethanol and their characterization, Tel Aviv University Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Workshop, Kfar Blum, March 31 – April 2, 2004
2. N. Parkansky, R.L.Boxman, B. Alterkop, S. Goldsmith, Y. Lereah, Z. Barkay, Yu. Rosenberg, G. Frenkel, O. Goldstein, “Pulsed Arc Synthesis of Carbon Nano-particles in Ethanol”, Nano 8, 28 June-12 July, 2004,Venice, Italy.
3. N. Parkansky , G. Frenkel , B. Alterkop , R.L. Boxman , S. Goldsmith , Z. Barkay , Yu. Rosenberg, O. Goldstein , Infuence of pulsed arc parameters on powder production in ethanol, 8th Israel conference on plasma science and applications. January 23, 2005.
4. N. Parkansky , O. Goldstein , B. Alterkop , R.L.Boxman , T. Moron , Z. Barkay , Yu. Rosenberg , G. Frenkel, Features of micro and nano-particles produced by pulsed arcs submerged in ethanol,Tel Aviv University Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Workshop, The 3rd annual workshop, April 2005, Ma’agan Israel
5. M. Kaplan, N. Parkansky, R. Boxman, Automated Identification of Scanning Electron Micrograph Features Using Automatic Target Recognition, October 2005, 24th IVS Annual Conference & Technical Workshop, Tel Aviv.
6. N. Parkansky, L. Glikman, B. Alterkop, R.L.Boxman, Yu. Rosenberg, Production of Tungsten Carbide Powder by A Pulsed Submerged Arc, October 2005, 24th IVS Annual Conference & Technical Workshop, Tel Aviv.
7. N. Parkansky, Y. Orkabi, T. Halperin, D. Cohen, N. Orr, R. Boxman, Pulsed Submerged Arc Sterilization of Water, November 2005, First Mid-East Conference on ULTRAVIOLET TECHNOLOGIES, Tel Aviv
8. M. Kaplan, N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, “Automated Identification of Scanning Electron Micrograph Features Using Automatic Target Recognition, Scanning Meeting, 2007, USA
9. D. Gindin, N. Parkansky, R. Boxman, A. Moshkovith, V. Perfiliev, L. Rapoport , Yu. Rosenberg, “Pulsed air arc surface modification for friction reduction” 10th Israeli Conference on Plasma Science and Its Applications, 2007
10. R.L. Boxman, N. Parkansky, H. Maman, M. Meirovitz, Y. Orkabi, T. Halperin, D. Cohen, N. Orr, “Pulsed Submerged Arc Sterilization of Water:Bacteriological Results and OH Production, NATO–ASI on Plasma Decontamination, 2007, Turkey.
11. Moshkovith, V. Perfiliev, D. Gindin , N. Parkansky, R. Boxman, L. Rapoport, “Solid lubricants on textured surfaces obtained by pulsed air arc treatment”, 13th Nordic Symposium on Tribology 10-13 June, Tampere, 2008 Finland
12. N. Parkansky, B. Alterkop, R.L. Boxman, G. Leitub, O. Berkh, Z. Barkay, Yu. Rosenberg, N..Eliaz Magnetic properties of carbon nano-particles produced by a pulsed arc submerged in ethanol , Meeting of ICS, February, Haifa, 2008, Israel.
13. N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, B. Alterkop, Z. Barkay, Yu. Rosenberg, G. Leitus, N. Eliaz, V. Filler “Pulsed submerged discharge production of carbon and metal nanoparticles” 5th Workshop of the Tel Aviv University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 22-24 Feb. 2009, Goshrim (Israel).
14. *N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, B. Alterkop, Z. Barkay, Y. Rosenberg, G. Leitus, N. Eliaz, V. Filler, B. Tarakanov, “SUBMERGED PULSED ARC SYNTHESIS OF NANOPARTICLES”, Conference: Nano Israel, Jerusalem, 2009, Israel
15. *N. Parkansky, G. Leitus, B. Alterkop, R.L. Boxman, , Z. Barkay, Yu. Rosenberg, N. Eliaz, "Magnetic properties of carbon nano-particles produced by a pulsed arc submerged in ethanol", Topical Conference on Magnetism, Crystal Growth, Photonics, October Tel-Aviv, 2010, Israel.
16. N. Parkansky, G. Leitus, B. Alterkop, R.L. Boxman, , Z. Barkay, Yu. Rosenberg, "Ni-C powder
synthesized by a submerged pulsed arc in the breakdown mode (BM)" Int. Symp. On
Nanoparticles Synthesis, Kazan, February 2011, Russia
16. N. Parkansky, A. Vegerhof, B. Alterkop, O. Berkh, R.L. Boxman, “Application of Submerged Arc to Breakdown of Methylene Blue (MB) in Aqueous Solutions”, The 13th Conference on Plasma Science and its Applications, Ariel, February 10, 2011, Israel
17. R.L. Boxman, A. Vegerhof, B. Alterkop, O. Berkh, N. Parkansky, “Submerged Arc Breakdown of
Methylene Blue (MB) in Aqueous Solutions” Int. Symp. On Plasma Chemistry, Philadelphia, July 2011, USA
18. N. Parkansky, E. Faktorovich-Simon, B. Alterkop, O. Berkh, R.L. Boxman, "Titanium Submerged Arc (SA) Breakdown of Methylene Blue (MB) in Aqueous Solutions", IPS Conference, December 2011, Techion, Israel.
19. N. Parkansky, A. Vegerhof, E. Faktorovich-Simon, B. Alterkop, O. Berkh, R.L. Boxman, Electrode Material Effect on Submerged Arc Breakdown of Methylene Blue in Aqueous Solutions, 8th International Symposium on Non-Thermal/Thermal Plasma, Pollution Control Technology & Sustainable Energy, Camaret, FRANCE, 25-29 June 2012.
20. N. Parkansky, E Faktorovich-Simon, A. Vegerhof, B. Alterkop, O. Berkh, R.L. Boxman, Z. Barkay, Y. Rosenberg, L. Burstein, A. Khatchtouriants, Submerged Arc Production of Nanoparticles and Breakdown of Methylene Blue, 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 10-14 September 2012.
21. N. Parkansky, G. Leitus, B. Alterkop, R.L. Boxman, Z. Barkay, Y. Rosenberg, Submerged Arc Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles, 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 10-14 September 2012.
22. N. Parkansky, Z. Barkay, I. Popov, R. L. Boxman, "Fabrication of micron-size grapheme-like films using a submerged pulsed arc in ethanol" ISM 2013 - Israel Society for Microscopy 47th annual meeting, Safed. May 29th-30th, 2013.
23. N. Parkansky, E. Faktorovich-Simon, V. Yacubov, B. Alterkop, O. Berkh, R.L. Boxman, Z. Barkay, Yu. Rosenberg, L. Burstein, A. Khatchtouriants, Effect of Micro- and Nano-particles on Submerged Arc Decomposition of Methylene Blue, 21st International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 21) Sunday 4 August – Friday 9 August 2013 Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, Australia
24. V. Yakubov-Tal, N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, Effect of Electrode Materials (Produced Micro- and Nano-particles)on the Decomposition of Methylene Blue in Aqueous Solution by a Submerged Arc, The 16th Israeli Plasma Science and Applications Conference (IPSTA-2014), Tel Aviv University, Feb. 5th, 2014
25. A. Meirovich, N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, Submerged pulse arc treatment of water with organic compound methylene blue, The 16th Israeli Plasma Science and Applications Conference (IPSTA-2014), Tel Aviv University, Feb. 5th, 2014
26. N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, Disinfection, Decontamination, and Nano-particle Production using a Pulsed Submerged Arc, , The 41st International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films, April28-May2, 2014, San Diego, California Invited paper
27. N. Parkansky, V. Yacubov, B. Alterkop, O. Berkh, R.L. Boxman, Z. Barkay, Yu. Rosenberg, “Effect of Electrode Material on the Removal of Organic Contamination from Water by Submerged Arc Treatment”, COST TD1208 Annual meeting, “Electrical discharges with liquids for future applications,” Lisboa, Portugal, 10-13 March 2014.
28. N. Parkansky, G. Leitus, B. Alterkop,R.L. Boxman, Z. Barkay, Yu. Rosenberg, Magnetic Properties of Ni-C Powder Synthesized by a Submerged Pulsed Arc, COST TD1208 Annual meeting, “Electrical discharges with liquids for future applications,” Lisboa, Portugal, 10-13 March 2014
29. A.Meirovich, N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, O. Berkh Yu. Rosenberg, Treatment of Methylene Blue Water solution by Submerged Pulse Arc Multielectrode Reactor, COST TD1208 2nd Annual meeting “Electrical discharges with liquids for future applications,” Barcelona, 23rd-26th February 2015
30. A.Meirovich, N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, O. Berkh Yu. Rosenberg, Treatment of Methylene Blue Water solution by Submerged Pulse Arc Multielectrode Reactor, The 17th Israeli Plasma Science and Applications Conference (IPSTA 2015), Ariel, 16 January 2015
31. N. Parkansky, V. Yacubov, I.I. Beilis, R.L. Boxman, O. Berkh, Submerged Arc in Methylene Blue Water Solution and Electrode Erosion, The 17th Israeli Plasma Science and Applications Conference (IPSTA 2015), Ariel, 16 January 2015
Chapters in Books
R. L. Boxman, N. Parkansky, H. Mamane, M. Meirovitz, Y. Orkabi, T. Halperin, D. Cohen, N. Orr, E. Gidalevich, B. Alterkop, and S. Cheskis, “Pulsed Submerged Arc Plasma Disinfection of Water: Bacteriological Results and an Exploration Of Possible Mechanisms” in S. Güçeri and A. Fridman (eds.), Plasma Assisted Decontamination of Biological and Chemical Agents. Springer, Dordrecht, 2008
1. N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, S. Goldsmith, L. Rapoport. “Method and apparatus controlling tribological properties using transverse current injection”, Application for Patent, 2004.
2. N. Parkansky, R. L. Boxman, Production of nanoparticles and microparticles, US Patent Application No. 10/571,569 (3629/2), 2007
3. N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, A. Vegerhof, B. Alterkop, O. Berkh, BREAKDOWN OF HARMFUL ORGANIC MOLECULES IN LIQUIDS, US Provisional Patent Application No. 61/457,913, 2011
4. N. Parkansky, R.L. Boxman, E.Simon, B. Alterkop, O. Berkh, Improved submerged arc removal of contaminant molecules from water using titanium electrodes and addition of H2O2, New Invention for filing a US Provisional Patent Application; Ramot file: 2011092 ; Filing by: 24 December 2011