Prof. Ram[Ram] Zamir

School of Electrical Engineering
ביה"ס להנדסת חשמל סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Ram[Ram] Zamir
Phone: 03-6406273
Another phone: 03-6408764
Fax: 03-6407095
Office: Electrical Engineering, 135

Rami Zamir - short biography

Professor Ram Zamir completed his bachelor's (1983), master's (1991), and doctoral (1994) degrees in Electrical Engineering at Tel Aviv University. He pursued post-doctoral studies at Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) and the University of California at Santa Barbara from 1994 to 1996. Since 1996, Rami has been a faculty member in the Department of Electrical Engineering-Systems at Tel Aviv University (as a full professor since 2009), with brief breaks as a visiting researcher at MIT (2002-2003, 2009) and ETH Zurich (2008).

He teaches courses in communication, information theory, signal processing, random processes, data and signal compression, lattice codes, random matrices, and most recently music signal processing.

Over the years, Rami has held various roles at the university, including Head of the Electrical Engineering Program (2013-2017) and Head of the School of Electrical Engineering (2020-2023).

He has consulted for the military and industry, particularly in communication sectors (such as Orckit, Actelis), and served as Chief Scientist at Celeno Communications (2004-2014), which was acquired by the Japanese chip company Renesas in 2021.

Rami has been involved in various capacities with the IEEE Information Theory Society (as editor, branch chair in Israel, and member of the board of governors), and organized the ITW 2015 conference in Jerusalem.

He has published around 200 articles in journals and scientific conferences, most notably in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and at the annual IEEE conferences. His work and articles have received numerous citations (near 8000 on Google Scholar). In 2014, he published a comprehensive book on lattice codes for signals and networks with Cambridge University Press, and in 2021, a research book on asymptotic frame theory for analog coding with NOW Publishers.

Together with his family, Rami has donated a piano (dedicated to his late mother Esther Elchanati-Zamir) to the Faculty of Engineering and its students, and he enjoys playing it from time to time. He dreams of strengthening the connection between electrical engineering and music in the curriculum and research program.

Information Theory, communication, statistical and musical signal processing

**Information theory, digital communications, compression, lattice codes, statistical signal processing and learning, sparse models and frames, random matrix theory.**

My research is at the intersection of information theory, communication, learning and signal processing. I wrote a book which aims to give a geometric interpretation - a lattice structure - to codes for multiuser / multiterminal problems, and to simplify such systems using estimation and randomization. Recently I explore the use of frames as a basis for analog coding, and I wrote a book about asymptotic properties of such codes.  I also started to work on the analysis and synthesis of music signals, for their beauty..

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