Prof. Shmuel Ryvkin

Retired in School of Mechanical Engineering
ביה"ס להנדסה מכנית בדימוס
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Prof. Shmuel Ryvkin
Phone: 03-6408130
Office: Wolfson - Engineering, 223

Research Interests:

Fracture mechanics of layered composites and cellular materials
Analysis and optimization of periodic structures and composite materials


1. B.M. Nuller and M.B. Ryvkin,
”Transmission of Forces to an Elastic Wedge-Shaped Plate Through a Soldered Rod"
Soviet Applied Mechanics, 1976, Vol. 12, no. 10, p. 1086-1089

2. B.N. Nuller and M.B. Ryvkin,
”A Method of Solution of Cyclic-Boundary Value problems”,
Izvestia VNIIG, Sbornik nauchnych trudov, 1979, Vol. 129, p. 9-13, (in Russian)

3. I.A. Baslavsky and M.B. Ryvkin,
”Analysis of Tunnel Linings Using the Theory of Linearly Deformable Medium”,
Izvetsia VNIIG, Sbornik Nauchnych trudov, 1979, Vol. 129, p. 83-89. (in Russian)

4. B. N. Nuller and M.B. Ryvkin,
”On Boundary-Value Problems for Elastic Domains of a Periodical Structure Deformed by
Arbitrary Loads”, Izvestia VNIIG, Sbornik nauchnych trudov, 1980, Vol. 136, p. 49-55.

5. E.L. Nachmein, B.M. Nuller and M.B. Ryvkin,
”Deformation of A Composite Elastic Plane Weakened by a Periodic System of Arbitrary
Loaded Slits”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1981, Vol. 45, No. 6, p. 821-826.

6. G.A. Kamysheva, B.M. Nuller and M.B. Ryvkin,
”Deformation of an Elastic Plane Reinforced by a Periodic System of Non-periodically Loaded
Oblique Semi-Infinite Stringers”, Mechanics of Solids, 1982, Vol. 17, No. 3, p. 104-109.

7. B.M. Nuller and M.B. Ryvkin,
”Non-symmetric Bending of a Plate Reinforced by a Symmetric System of Radial Ribs”,
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1983, Vol. 47, No. 3, p. 395-402.

8. V.B. Glagovsky, M.B. Ryvkin and G.M. Shifrin,
”On Static Calculation of Frame Structures and Foundations on Non-homogeneous Base”,
Izvestia VNIIG, Sbornik nauchnych trudov, 1985, Vol. 186, p. 58-60 (in Russian).

9. M.B. Ryvkin and B.M. Nuller,
”Boundary-Value Problems for the Domains Contained in Non-homogeneous Translationally-
Symmetric Space”, Izvestia VNIIG, 1987, Vol. 202, p. 11-14, (in Russian).

10. M. Ryvkin, L. Banks-Sills,
”Steady State Mode III Propagation of an Interface Crack in an Inhomogeneous Viscoelastic
Strip”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1993, Vol. 30, No. 4, p. 483-498.

11. M. Ryvkin, L. Banks-Sills,
”Mode III Delamination of a Viscoelastic Layer from a Half-Plane”,
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1994, Vol. 31, No. 4, p. 551-566.

12. M. Ryvkin, B. Nuller,
”Model of Cutting of the Cellular Elastic Material”,
International Journal of Fracture, 1994, Vol. 67, pp. 325-342.

13. M. Ryvkin, L. Slepyan and L. Banks-Sills,
”On the Scale Effect in the Thin Layer Delamination Problem”,
International Journal of Fracture, 1995, Vol. 71, p. 247-271.

14. L. Slepyan, M. Ryvkin, M.B. Fuchs,
”Temperature Insensitive Curved Bimetal Elements”, ACTA Astronautica, 1995, Vol.37, p. 95-103.

15. M. Ryvkin,
”Mode III Crack in a Laminated Medium”,
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1996, Vol. 33, No. 24, p. 3611-3625.

16. M. Ryvkin, B. Nuller,
” Solution of Quasi–Periodic Fracture Problems by Representative Cell Method,”
Computational Mechanics , 1997, vol.20, p. 145-149.

17. M. Ryvkin,
”Antiplane deformation of a periodicallyhamper layered composite with a crack.
Non-homogenization approach,”
International Journal of Solids and Structures 1998, Vol. 35, No. 5-6, p. 511–526.

18. M. Ryvkin,
”A mode I crack parallel to the interfaces in a periodically layered medium”,
International Journal of Fracture, 1999, Vol. 99, No.3, p. 171–186.

19. M. Ryvkin, B. Nuller,
”On oblique cutting of cellular elastic materials”,
International Journal of Fracture,1999, Vol. 92, L49–L54.

20. M. Ryvkin, M.B. Fuchs and B. Nuller,
”Optimal design of infinite repetitive structures”,
Structural Optimization, 1999, Vol. 18, No.2/3, p. 202–209.

21. M.Ryvkin,
”K–dominance zone for a semi–infinite Mode I crack in a sandwich composite”,
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2000, Vol. 37, 4825–4840.

22. M. Ryvkin and L. Kucherov
”Mixed Mode crack in a periodically layered composite”,
International Journal of Fracture, 2000, 106, 373-389.

23. M. Ryvkin and L. Kucherov
”An inverse shielding effect in a periodically layered composite”,
International Journal of Fracture, 2001, 108, L3-L8.

24. E. Moses, M. Ryvkin and M. Fuchs
” A FE methodology for the static analysis of infinite periodic structures under general
loading”. Computational Mechanics, 27, 2001, 369-377.

25. M. Fuchs and M. Ryvkin
”Explicit exact analysis of infinite periodic structures under general loading,”
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2002, 23, No.4, 268–279.

26. L. Kucherov and M.Ryvkin
”Interface crack in periodically layered bimaterial composite”
International Journal of Fracture, 2002, 99(3), 175-188.

27. E. Moses, M. Fuchs and M.Ryvkin
”Topological design of modular structures under arbitrary loading ”
Structural Optimization, 2003, 24, 407–417.

28. L. Kucherov and M.Ryvkin
”Elastic solutions for periodically layered strip with perfect bonding or with an interface
crack”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2004, 41 (16-17), 4551–4565.

29. M.B.Fuchs, M.Ryvkin, E.Grosu,
”Topological Alternatives and Structural Modeling of Infinite Grillages on Elastic Foundation”,
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2004 26, (5), 346–356.

30. M.Ryvkin, M.Fuchs, F.Lipperman, L.Kucherov
”Fracture analysis of materials with periodic microstructure by the representative cell method”,
International Journal of Fracture, 2004, 128 (1), 215-221.

31. M.Brand, M.Ryvkin, S.Einav and L.Slepyan,
”The Cardiocoil Stent – Artery Interaction”,
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2005, 127, 337-344.

32. B.Nuller, M.Ryvkin, and A.Chudnovsky
”A closed-form solution for a crack approaching an interface”,
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2006, 1, 8, 1405-1424.

33. F.Lipperman, M.Ryvkin and M.B.Fuchs,
”Nucleation of cracks in two-dimensional periodic cellular materials”,
Computational Mechanics, 2007 39, (2), 127-139.

34. M.Ryvkin and J.Aboudi
”The Effect of a Fiber Loss in Periodic Composites”,
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007, 44 (10), 3497-3513.

35. M.Ryvkin and J.Aboudi
”A Continuum Approach to the Analysis of the Stress Field in a Fiber Reinforced Composite
with a Transverse Crack”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007, 44, 6826-6841.

36. M.Ryvkin and J.Aboudi
”Analysis of local thermomechanical effects in fiber-reinforced periodic composites”,
Letters in Fracture and Micromechanics, 2007, 145, (2), 229-236.

37. F.Lipperman, M.Ryvkin and M.B.Fuchs,
”Fracture Toughness of Two-Dimensional Cellular Material with Periodic Microstructure”,
International Journal of Fracture, 2007, 146, 279-290.

38. F.Lipperman, M.Ryvkin and M.B.Fuchs,
”Crack Arresting Low Density Porous Materials with Periodic Microstructure”
International Journal of Engineering Science, 2008, 46, 6, 572-584.

39. M.Ryvkin and J.Aboudi
”Three-dimensional continuum analysis for a unidirectional composite with a broken fiber,”
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008, 45, 4114-4129.

40. F.Lipperman,M.B.Fuchs and M.Ryvkin,
”Stress localization and strength optimization of frame material with periodic microstruc-
ture”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2008, 197, 4016-4026.

41. M. Ryvkin,
”Employing the Discrete Fourier Transform in the analysis of multiscale problems”,
International Journal of Multiscale Computational Engineering, 2008, 6, 435-449.

42. F.Lipperman, M.Ryvkin and M.B.Fuchs,
”Design of crack-resistant two-dimensional periodic cellular materials”,
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2009, 4, 3, 441-457.

43. M. Ryvkin and L. Slepyan
” Crack in a 2D beam lattice: analytical solutions for two bending modes”,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2010, 58, 902-917.

44. M.Ryvkin
”Steady-state mode III delamination crack in a periodically layered medium”,
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2010, 22, 6, 635-646.

45. J.Aboudi and M.Ryvkin
”Dynamic Stresses Created by the Sudden Appearance of a Transverse Crack in Periodically
Layered Composites”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2011, 49, 694-710.

46. M.Ryvkin and J.Aboudi
”Crack resistance in two-dimensional periodic materials of medium and low porosity”,
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2011, 78, 2153-2160.

47. J.Aboudi and M.Ryvkin,
”The Effect of Localized Damage on the Behavior of Composites with Periodic Microstruc-
ture,”International Journal of Engineering Science,2012, 52, 41-55.

48. 2 L.Kucherov and M.Ryvkin,
”Flaw nucleation in a brittle open-cell Kelvin foam”
International Journal of Fracture, 2012, 175, 1, 79-86.

49. M.Ryvkin and J.Aboudi
”Stress Redistribution Due to Cracking in Periodically Layered Composites”,
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2012, 93, 225238.

50. M.Ryvkin
”Analytical Solution for a Mode III Crack in a 3D Beam Lattice”,
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2012, 49, 2839-2847.

51. J.Aboudi and M.Ryvkin,
”The analysis of localized effects in composites with periodic microstructure”,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
Sciences, 2013, 371, article number 20120373.

52. L.Kucherov and M.Ryvkin,
” Fracture Toughness of Open-Cell Kelvin Foam”,
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 51, 440-448.

53. J.Aboudi and M.Ryvkin,
”Dynamic Overshooting in 2D Periodic Materials with Square Voids Caused by Sudden Flaw
Appearance”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 51, 2345-2359.

54. M. Brand, I. Avrahami, S. Einav and M. Ryvkin,
”Numerical models of net-structure stents inserted into arteries”,
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2014, 52, 102-110.

55. M.Ryvkin and O.Hadar
”Employing of the discrete Fourier transform for evaluation of crack-tip field in periodic
materials”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2015, 86, 10-19.

56. M.Ryvkin and J.Aboudi ”Transient Problem for Semi-Infinite Crack in Periodically Voided
Materials.” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2016, 162, 218231.

57. Berinskii, I., Ryvkin, M. and Aboudi, J. ”Contact problem for a composite material with
nacre inspired microstructure”, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engi-
neering,2017, 25, 085002.

 58 Ryvkin, M., Hadar, O. and Kucherov, L. Multiscale analysis of non-periodic stress state in
composites with periodic microstructure. International Journal of Engineering Science, 121,
167181 (2017).

59 Cherkaev, A. and Ryvkin, M. ”Damage propagation in 2d beam lattices: 1. Uncertainty
and assumptions”, accepted for Archives of Applied Mechanics.

 60 Cherkaev, A. and Ryvkin, M. ”Damage propagation in 2d beam lattices: 2. Design of an
iso tropic fault-tolerant lattice”, accepted for Archives of Applied Mechanics

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