Dr. Tomer Markovich

School of Mechanical Engineering
ביה"ס להנדסה מכנית סגל אקדמי בכיר


  • B.Sc in Physics and Computer Science (Magna Cum Laude), Tel Aviv University, 2010
  • P.hD in Condensed Matter Physics (advisor: David Andelman), Tel Aviv University , 2016


In our theory group we study fundamental properties of soft active materials. This new class of materials is characterized by local energy injection that leads to novel non-equilibrium phenomena. Most living matter is "active" and there are ample examples of synthetic active materials.

We are interested in developing a thermodynamic framework for these systems, with focus on active field theories.

We are also studying a subclass of active materials are chiral. These exhibits extraordinary properties such as a new type of viscosity that do not dissipate energy (odd viscosity). 

For the more biological context we investigate active gels and active polar liquid crystals.

Academic Appointments

  • Blavatnik Postdoctoral Fellow, DAMTP, University of Cambridge (advisor: Michael E. Cates), 20016-2018
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, CTBP, Rice Univeristy, (advisor: Fred C. MacKintosh), 2018-2022

Awards and Prizes

  • CTBP, Rice University, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2018-2022
  • Blavatnik Postdoctoral Fellowships Program for Israeli Scientists, 2016-2018
  • Dothan scholarship for academic achievements, 2016
  • Getti scholarship for excellence in research, 2014
  • Haya Rozet scholarship for academic excellence, 2013
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