Prof. Michal Tzur

Dep. of Industrial Engineering
מחלקה להנדסת תעשיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Michal Tzur
Phone: 03-6407420
Fax: 03-6407669
Office: Wolfson - Engineering, 429

Research Interests:

Humanitarian Logistics, Vehicle Sharing Systems, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management, Transportation Systems, Transshipments



Prof. Michal Tzur a faculty member at the Industrial Engineering Department at Tel Aviv University, where she served as the department chair from 2004-2006 and 2019-2021. She received her Ph.D. in Management Science from the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University in the city of New York. She was a faculty member in the business school of the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School) and a visiting faculty member in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences (IEMS) at Northwestern University. From 2015-2017 she was the president of the Operations Research Society of Israel (ORSIS).



  • Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "A Simple Forward Algorithm to Solve General Dynamic Lot-Sizing Models with n Periods in O(n log n) or O(n) Time" Management Science 37 (1991), 909-925.
  • Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "The Dynamic Lot-Sizing Model with Backlogging: A Simple O(n log n) Algorithm and Minimal Forecast Horizon Procedure" Naval Research Logistics 40 (1993), 459-478. 
  • Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "Minimal Forecast Horizons and a New Planning Procedure for the General Dynamic Lot-Sizing Model: Nervousness Revisited" Operations Research, 42 (1994), 456-468. 
  • Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "The Joint Replenishment Problem with Time Varying Costs and Demands: Efficient, Asymptotic and epsilon-optimal Solutions" Operations Research, 42 (1994), 1067-1086. 
  • Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "Fast Solution and Detection of Minimal Forecast Horizons in Dynamic Programs with a Single Indicator of the Future: Applications to Dynamic Lot-Sizing Models" Management Science, 41 (1995), 874-893. 
  • Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "Detection of Minimal Forecast Horizons in Dynamic Programs with Multiple Indicators of the Future" Naval Research Logistics 43 (1996), 169-189. 
  • Tzur M., "Learning in Setups: Analysis, Minimal Forecast Horizons and Algorithms" Management Science, (1996), 1732-1743. 
  • Matzliach, B. and M. Tzur, "The On-Line Tool Switching Problem With Non-Uniform Tool-Size", International Journal of Production Research 36(12) (1998), 3407-3420. (pdf file)
  • Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "Time-Partitioning Heuristics: Application to One Warehouse, Multi-item, Multi-Retailer Lot-Sizing Problems", Naval Research Logistics 46 (1999), 463-486. (pdf file)
  • Matzliach, B. and M. Tzur, "Storage Management of Items in Two Levels of Availability", European Journal of Operational Research 121 (2000), 363-379. (pdf file)
  • Bukchin, J. and M. Tzur, "Design of Flexible Assembly Line to Minimize Equipment Cost", IIE Transactions (2000), 32(7) (2000), 585-598.(pdf file)
  • Herer, Y.T. and M. Tzur, "The Dynamic Transshipment Problem", Naval Research Logistics, 48 (2001), 386-408. (pdf file)
  • Chen, B., R. Hassin and M. Tzur, "Allocation of Bandwidth and Storage".  IIE Transactions, 34(5) (2002), 501-507. (pdf file)
  • Bukchin, J., M. Tzur and M. Jaffe, "Lot Splitting to Minimize Average Flow Time in a Two-Machine Flowshop".  IIE Transactions, 34(11) (2002), 953-970. (pdf file)
  • Herer, Y.T., M. Tzur and E. Yücesan, "Transshipments: an Emerging Inventory Recourse to Achieve Supply Chain Leagility".   International Journal of Production Economics, 80(3) (2002), 201-212. (pdf file)
  • Herer, Y.T. and M. Tzur, "Optimal and Heuristic Algorithms for the Multi-Location Dynamic Transshipment Problem with Fixed Transshipment Costs".    IIE Transactions, 35(5) (2003), 419-432. (pdf file)
  • Tzur, M and A. Altman, "Minimization of Tool Switches for a Flexible Manufacturing Machine with Slot Assignment of Different Tool Sizes".    IIE Transactions, 36(2) (2004), 95-110. (pdf file)
  • Khmelnitsky, E. and M.Tzur, "Parallelism of Continuous and Discrete-Time Production Planning Problems".    IIE Transactions, 36(7) (2004), 611-628. (pdf file)
  • Anily, S. and M. Tzur, "Shipping Multiple-Items by Capacitated Vehicles - An Optimal Dynamic Programming Approach".  Transportation Science, 39(2) (2005), 233-248. (pdf file)
  • Herer, Y.T., M. Tzur and E. Yücesan, "The Multi-Location Transshipment Problem". IIE Transactions, 38(3) (2006), 185-200. (pdf file)
  • Francis, P., K. Smilowitz and M. Tzur, "The Period Vehicle Routing Problem with Service Choice ". Transportation Science, 40(4) (2006), 439-454. (pdf file)
  • Anily, S. and M. Tzur, "Algorithms for the Multi-Item Capacitated Dynamic Lot-Sizing Problem ". Naval Research Logistics, 53(2) (2006), 157-169. (pdf file)
  • Francis, P., Smilowitz, K. and M. Tzur, “Flexibility and Complexity in Periodic Distribution Problems”. Naval Research Logistics, 54(2) (2007), 136-150. (pdf file)
  • Federgruen, A., J. Meissner and M. Tzur, "Progressive Interval Heuristics for Multi-Item Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problems". Operations Research, 55(3) (2007), 490-502. (pdf file)
  • Anily, S., M. Tzur and L. Wolsey, “Multi-Item Lot-Sizing with Joint Set-Up Costs”. Mathematical Programming, 119(1) (2009), 79-94. (pdf file)
  • Hanany E., M. Tzur and A. Levran, “The Transshipment Fund Mechanism: Coordinating the Decentralized Multi-Location Inventory Model”. Naval Research Logistics. 57 (2010). 342-353. (pdf file)
  • Lien, R., Iravani, S., Smilowitz, K. and M. Tzur, “An Efficient and Robust Design for Transshipment Networks”. Production and Operations Management, 20(5) (2011), 699-713. (pdf file)
  • Tzur, M. and E. Drezner, “A Lookahead Partitioning Heuristic for a New Assignment and Scheduling Problem in a Distribution System”. European Journal of Operational Research, 215 (2011), 325-336. (pdf file)
  • Raviv, T., M. Tzur and I. Forma, “Static Repositioning in Bike-Sharing System: Models and Solution Approaches". EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 2 (2013), 187-229. (pdf file)
  • Kaspi, M., T. Raviv and M. Tzur, "Parking Reservation Policies in One-Way Vehicle Sharing Systems". Transportation Research B (methodological), 62 (2014), 35-50. (pdf file)
  • Bukchin, Y. and M. Tzur, "A New MILP Approach for the Facility Process-Layout Design Problem with Rectangular and L/T Shape Departments". International Journal of Production Research,52(24) (2014), 7339–7359 . (pdf file)
  • Noham, R. and M. Tzur, "The Single and Multi-Item Transshipment Problem with Fixed Transshipment Costs". Naval Research Logistics, 61 (2014), 637–664 forthcoming.(pdf file)
  • Forma, I., Raviv, T. and M. Tzur “. A 3-Step Math Heuristic for the Static Repositioning Problem in Bike-Sharing Systems”. Transportation Research Part B,(methodological), 71 (2015), 230-247 . (pdf file)
  • Kaspi, M., T. Raviv and M. Tzur, H. Galili “Regulating Vehicle Sharing Systems through Parking Reservation Policies: Analysis and performance bounds”. European Journal of Operational Research, 251 (2016) 969–987.(pdf file)
  • M. Kaspi, T. Raviv, and M. Tzur, “Detection of Unusable Bicycles in Bike-Sharing Systems”, Omega, 65 (2016) 10–16 (pdf file)
  • Kaspi, M., T. Raviv and M. Tzur, “Bike Sharing Systems: User Dissatisfaction in the Presence of Unusable Bicycles”. IISE Transactions, 49(2) (2017), 144-158. (Link)
  • Noham, R. and M. Tzur, “Designing Humanitarian Supply Chains by Incorporating Actual Post-Disaster Decisions” European Journal of Operational Research, 265 (2018), 1064-1077. (link)
  • Datner, S., T. Raviv, M. Tzur and D. Chemla, "Setting Inventory Levels in a Bike Sharing Network". Transportation Science, forthcoming. (link)
  • Sarid, A. and M. Tzur, “The Multi-Scale Generation and Transmission Expansion Model”. Energy, 148 (2018), 977-991. (link)
  • Eisenhändler, O. and M. Tzur, "The Humanitarian Pickup and Distribution Problem".Operations Research, 67(1) (2019), 10-32.    (link)     Online Appendix.
  • Eisenhändler, O. and M. Tzur, “A Segment-Based Formulation and a Matheuristic for the Humanitarian Pickup and Distribution Problem”. Transportation Science, 53(5) (2019), 1213-1499  (link) 

  • Noham, R. and M. Tzur, “Design and Incentive Decisions in Humanitarian Supply Chains”. IISE Transactions, 52(12) (2020), 1297-1311. (link).

  • Noham, R., M. Tzur and D. Yamin, “An Indirect Prioritization Approach to Optimizing Sample Referral Networks for HIV Early Infant Diagnosis”. IISE Transactions, 54(4) (2022), 405-420. (link) 
  • Eisenhändler, O. and M. Tzur, “Multi-Period Collection and Distribution Problems and Their Application to Humanitarian Gleaning Operations”. IISE Transactions, 54(8) (2022), 785-802. (link) 
  • Sarid, A.S., P.W. Glynn and M. Tzur, "Power Distribution in Developing Countries - Planning for Effectiveness and Equity" Omega 123 (2024) 102976. (link) 
  • Neria, G. and M. Tzur "The Dynamic Pickup and Allocation with Fairness Problem". Transportation Science, 58(4) (2024), 821-840. (link).
  • Ben-Gal, S, and M. Tzur. “Data-Driven Policies for the Online Ride-Hailing Problem with Fairness”. Submitted.
  • Neria, G., Hildebrandt, F., Tzur, M., and Ulmer, M. “The Restaurant Meal Delivery Problem with Ghost Kitchens”. Submitted.



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