Zimin Institute Announcing The Winning Projects

Engineering Solutions Advancing Better Lives

11 June 2018
Engineering Solutions Advancing Better Lives
Prof. David Mendlovic Announcing The Winning Projects
The Zimin Institute for Engineering Solutions Advancing Better Lives is interested to harness the research carried out by TAU researchers towards generating solutions to the world's most pressing challenges, in areas such as water purification, pollution and toxin monitoring, battling disease, renewable energy, cyber-security and many more. 
The Zimin Institute will support research projects within the yearly Scope of Research. This year Five projects were selected, out of 29 submitted proposals – all of them proposed research in one of the topics that the International Advisory Board indicated:

1. Artificial Intelligence: a) Deep learning b) Medicine and life sciences applications.
2. Advanced sensors

The winning projects

  • Innovative Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Heart Medical Procedures: Optimal Intervention Time for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement – Prof. Rami Haj-Ali, School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Development of a multimodal Brain-Computer Interface based on Artificial Intelligence for rehabilitation of people with motor disorders – Prof. Jason Friedman, Physical Therapy, Sackler Faculty of Medicine
  • Individualized closed-loop sensorized virtual reality for behavioral change – Prof. Yael Hanein, Electrical Engineering and Dr. Tom Schonberg, Life Sciences
  • Identification of intraperitoneal free cancer cell during surgical procedure for disease management: a multidisciplinary engineering solution using a deep learning and real-time-repaid sequencing technology – Prof. Noam Shomron, Sackler Faculty of Medicine
  • 3D printing of cardiac patches with integrated sensors and actuators to regenerate the infarcted heart – Prof. Tal Dvir, Faculty of Life Sciences

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