Research Fields

Researcher Website/
​Laboratory Site
Research Topics
Dr. Tomer Markovich Website/Laboratory Site

Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Hydrodynamics, Elasticity, Living Matter, Soft Matter, Active Matter, Liquid Crystals,

    Stochastic Thermodynamics
Prof. Abraham Kribus Website

Laboratory Site
Solar Energy, Photovoltaic cells and systems, Solar Thermal Systems, Cogeneration, MEMS energy conversion, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Radiation, Optical Concentrators
Dr. Avinoam Rabinovich Website
Oil and gas flow in reservoirs, Reservoir modeling, Groundwater, Upscaling, Effective properties, CO2 storage
Dr. Ines Zucker Laboratory Site Environmental Nanoechnology, Engineering Nanomaterials as Contaminants, Advanced Materials for Water Purification, Oxidation Processes, Detection and Removal of Trace Organic Contaminants
Dr. Amir Paster Website  
Prof. Hadas Mamane Steindel

Laboratory Site
Water Treatment, UV and Solar Disinfection, Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP), Characterization of Particles, Biofouling Control
Prof. Amos Ullmann Website

 Heat and Mass Transfer, Extraction, Contaminated Soil Remediation, Liquid-Liquid Two-Phase Flow, Air Pollution

Dr. Yaron Toledo   Water waves and their interactions with the sea bottom, Currents and winds, Remote sensing of waves and surface currents, In-situ wave and current measurements, Coastal Engineering, Geophysical and environmental fluid dynamics
Prof. Neima Brauner (Emiritus) Website Oil-water and gas-liquid two-phase-flow systems, stability analysis, capillary tubes and wetting effects, natural gas transportation, heat and mass transfer phenomena, remediation of contaminated soils . 
Prof. Gilad Yossifon Website micro and nanofluidics, electrokinetics, lab-on-a-chip, biochips, active particles, micro-swimmers, micro and nano-robots, micro heat exchangers
Dr. Bat-hen Nahmias-Biran Laboratory Site Complex systems, innovative simulation-based tools, smart/futuristic/autonomous transportation, transportation and sustainability, equity in transportation and the environment, behavior modelling
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