Research Fields

Researcher Website/
​Laboratory Site
Research Topics
Dr. Avishai Sintov Laboratory Site Robotics, robotic arms, motion planning, machine learning, grasping, human-robot collaboration, robotic manipulations.
Dr Lea Beilkin-Sirota Laboratory Site Control of waves in structures, adaptive acoustic silencing and cloaking, imitation of quantum-mechanical wave phenomena in feedback-based metamaterials, real-time creation of artificial acoustic environment, fractional order transfer functions.
Prof. Yoram Reich Website Engineering design, Product  Development, Computer-Aided design, Concurrent engineering, Systems Engineering, Knowledge management, Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Maurice Fuchs (emiritus) Website Structures, Structure Analysis, Structure Design, Structure Control
Prof. Viacheslav[Slava] Krylov Website

Laboratory Site
Design and Modeling of MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems), Dynamics and Stability of Materials and Structures, Wave Propagation, Sensors, Actuators
Dr. Amiram Moshaiov Website Computational Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation, Multi-objective optimization, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Robotics, Mechatronics, Engineering Design
Prof. Gilad Yossifon Website micro and nanofluidics, electrokinetics, lab-on-a-chip, biochips, active particles, micro-swimmers, micro and nano-robots, micro heat exchangers
Dr. Bat-hen Nahmias-Biran Laboratory Site Complex systems, innovative simulation-based tools, smart/futuristic/autonomous transportation, transportation and sustainability, equity in transportation and the environment, behavior modelling
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