Career Award for Pressure Care award was given to Prof. Gefen
by the WUWHS and by the Journal of Wound Care
29 November 2017
Approximately 4000 attendees participated at the World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) Conference held in September 25-29, 2016 at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, Italy.
The WUWHS takes place every 4 years. During this last WUWHS conference, Prof. Amit Gefen from the Department of Biomedical Engineering received the Career Award for Pressure Care, which has been awarded by the WUWHS and by the Journal of Wound Care, in a special ceremony held in the framework of the conference. The award was given to Prof. Gefen for his scientific contributions to understanding the aetiology of pressure ulcers (injuries) in different populations, in particular in people affected by a spinal cord injury, the elderly and children.